01234 341111

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Telephone – 01234 341111

Email – [email protected]

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Our address

Newnorth Print Ltd
Newnorth House
College Street
MK42 8NA

Garry Hardy

Garry Hardy

Managing Director

Direct Line: 01234 333705

As MD I have a very hands on role within Newnorth, keeping my finger on the pulse allows me to move the Company forwards. I have the privilege of managing a great team of conscientious people and the responsibilities that go with it! I also have the honour of representing Newnorth to the outside world, which brings me into contact with lots of very interesting people. I chill out by getting out into the countryside, walking my Labradors or with a rod in my hand, fly fishing for trout.

Social Media

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Newnorth Print

Don't be shy

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Quick Contact

Telephone – 01234 341111
Email – [email protected]


Newnorth Print Ltd
Newnorth House
College Street
MK42 8NA

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