What is Pre-Press?
Our Pre-Press team takes care of everything that needs to happen before your job goes to print. We work around the clock taking your digital files, ensuring that they are error free and ready for the presses. Although we don’t proof read your work, there are a surprising number of things we need to check for to ensure that the file will print correctly and as you intended. The file then just needs to be imposed (Set up to print the optimum quantity in the correct orientation on the sheet of paper). Once we are happy with the files we send a digital copy back to our customers to double check that they too are happy proceed to print. It is then a case of sending the files to have their very printing plates made which will then be used by the press to print your artwork.
Dedicated Support
Our Pre-Press team in conjunction with Customer Services can give you an unparalleled level of support at all stages of your print job.
All of our Pre-Press team having been working in the field since the birth of Digital Pre-Press. If they haven’t seen it before, no-one has!
Online Approval
Our user-friendly online approval system gives you a greater level of control, saves you time and money as well as keeping you better informed.
Time Efficient
Our Pre-Press team in conjunction with Customer Services can give you an unparalleled level of support at all stages of your print job.
Why our Pre-Press team can be invaluable
One of the biggest benefits of our pre-press service apart from the wealth of experience we bring is the ease of access our service provides. Our online file upload and approval system means that you can monitor your jobs progress throughout the pre-press process, allowing you to make any changes, leave notes and comments you need to make along the way. You will also have access to many of the same reporting functions that we use meaning that any major errors with the artwork you may be able to spot and amend yourself. All of this greatly cuts down on your print turnaround time, meaning you can spend more time doing more important things. To supply your files contact the Customer service team to set up a login. We are conscious that sometimes it’s easier to have a copy in your hand, we can also supply Colour accurate contract proofs from our fully calibrated Epson Colour proofers, and if you want a dummy of the job we are only too glad to produce one for you from our Xerox book proofer. As an additional option many of our customers are now also asking for a Digital proof alternative, which we are also happy to offer.

Peter Barends
Desktop Publisher
I have been at Newnorth for 20 years, working in the Pre-Press department. I like to think I have one of the most important jobs here as I ensure that all of our customers work gets set up correctly before it goes out to the printing press. Being as I spend a lot of time working on a computer I like to spend my spare time working with my hands. Consequently I end up doing a great deal of DIY and gardening.
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Web to Print
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Frequently asked questions
What is bleed?
Put simply, bleed is the single most important thing that designers need to be incorporating into any print jobs. It is a small area typically between 3-5mm around the outside of the printed area that you intend to have cut off from your final project. It should be an extension or overflow of the actual artwork. So if the bleed is cut off why is it important you might ask? Well the answer to this is that it will avoid the need to either under trim the job to avoid white edges around the edge of your print. Essentially it allows for the very small degree of variation in all print jobs. Keeping your work looking smart and professional.
What is the difference between CMYK & RGB?
CYMK and RGB are both ways of coding colour.
CMYK refers to the colours used in the printing process (Cyan, magenta, yellow and black) the numerical values attached to them denotes the levels of each colour used in the image.
RGB on the other hand refers to levels of light and not ink. Consequently it is not suitable for the printing process.
Fortunately conversion between the two coding types is possible however, this is not likely to always achieve exact matches. Wherever possible it is always better to try and work in CMYK to begin with.
What does Lo-Res mean and when does something become so?
Lo-Res simply means Low resolution. Typically this refers to images rather than text (Except for these rare cases where the text is actually an image). It is important that images are not Lo-Res as the quality of the printed product will be directly detrimentally affected.
We class anything that is under about 350dpi (Dots per inch) to be low res. We run all of our files through a check first to ensure that they are not low resolution for you however you can generally tell yourself if pictures look pixelated or grainy.

Don't be shy
If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime