01234 341111

Interactive Print

Why leave your print one dimensional?

A Communication Base

Discover how you can use new ways to quickly connect with tap to phone, email or even using interactive polls and surveys.

A Multimedia Centre

Bring your print to life and engage with your readers using rich media, including video messages, photo slideshows and music clips.

A Social Media Meeting Point

Foster social interaction and boost your web presence with links to share, follow and like your content on all major social media networks.

A Blank Canvas

Feel free to get creative, by embedding HTML you can allow other apps to incorporate functionality.

Interactive Print

So first things first, what exactly is Interactive print? Interactive print is an ingenious solution to the growing trend for consumers to view their content in a digital format. Rather than trying to push against this trend Interactive print helps to bridge the gap between the printed and digital worlds, amalgamating the best of both. It works via the use of small, free and readily available applications on mobile devices like phones and tablets. Using these apps consumers are able to scan their printed content to reveal a whole new world of information, media and social interaction all in the palm of their hands. The implications of this are huge. For the first time you can watch a film trailer, or listen to a new song directly from a magazine. You can discuss an article you have just read on Facebook or Twitter. You can see a product you are interested in and then phone, e-mail or buy the product directly without even getting out of your chair. There really are so many applications of Interactive print it would be impractical to list them all here.

How to get & use Interactive Print

Its really this simple


Simply download the layar app FREE from either the App Store, Google Play Store or Blackberry World.


Simply scan your printed product


Enjoy a world of interactive contents. From web links to phone numbers, videos to web stores, music to app downloads, the possibilities are endless.

What Interactive Print can do for you

It doesn’t matter if you are publishing your own content or someone else’s, the added value that Interactive print provides is unparalleled. One of the best parts about it is that it improves not only the end user experience by giving them rich and rewarding media content but also brings added benefits to the investing party, bringing you…

  • An additional marketing platform
  • An informed and engaged client base
  • Greater and faster response rates
  • Enhanced public image

Increase Engagement & Improve Value

Impress your audience and give them more, with social media, audio, video and direct contact options.



Unock your Potential

With some many new ways to connect and engage with your audience, embrace the new opportunities that Interactive print brings

When and Why to use Interactive print

Obviously Interactive print isn’t ideal for every situation however there are plenty of examples of when it can really shine…


  • Monthly magazines – Our most popular users of interactive print are monthly community magazines. Our interactive print proves a huge draw to their advertisers with quick instant contact. Videos, sounds & images help to enhance their own content bringing those recipes and feature pieces to life!
  • Educational print – Nothing can help explain better than the one-to-one tuition only a teacher can provide. This personal touch has sadly always been lacking in traditional print but now with video and audio instruction that gap is finally being bridged.
  • Business cards – A more niche for Interactive print. Marketers are always looking for a way to produce the best, most unique business card out there, what better way that to make it interactive. With click to Call/Email functions and direct integration to social media like Linkedin it adds functionality as well as presence.

The uses for Interactive print really are limitless. If you feel your print could benefit for this additional layer of functionality why not contact one of our sales team to see if we can bring some of your ideas to life!

The world is your audience

With multi-platform compatibility you can access the content if you are on IOS, Android or Blackberry

Million Layar Users

Different Platforms

Published Pages

What Our Customers Are Saying

Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!

As a result of moving to you and using your “Interactive Print” in our magazine we won the 2014 “Business Innovation” Award from the FSB, the Federation of Small Businesses. We all enjoyed the Gala Awards Ceremony at The Conservatory at Luton Hoo on the 26th June 2014 which was fantastic. I have not looked back since and this Award has given our business a tremendous boost in a tough market and our readers and advertisers really love the interactive features.


Community Life Magazine

Frequently Asked Questions

Just in case we have left you feeling confused

Can I use multiple audio/video files on the same page?

Yes, however you can only have one set to auto-play per page. Any more than this and for obvious reasons it can become a bit of a bewildering user experience. If you do wish to use more than one video or sound file we would recommend having them all set to manual play as this generally results in a more cohesive page.

Why does it only remain live for a month? Can I make it last X days?

The reason it only lasts a month is simply due to the fact that that is the default time allocation supplied by Layar. We understand however that this does not meet all of our clients needs. If you wish to have your content live for a longer period we can most certainly accommodate to match your requirements.

Where can I get some inspiration on how to make my pages look good?

Glad you asked. Afterall isn’t the purpose of Interactive print to help you stand out from your competition. You can generally get some great ideas of what you can do and how to make the most out of Layar here…

Contact us for more information

9 + 10 =

Don't be shy

If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime

Quick Contact

Telephone – 01234 341111
Email – [email protected]


Newnorth Print Ltd
Newnorth House
College Street
MK42 8NA

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