01234 341111

Customer Services

What our Customer Services can do for you

Here at Newnorth we pride ourselves on our award winning customer services team. You can rest assured that you will always have a representative here looking after your work. Not only ensuring that it all runs smoothly but also as a point of contact for you should you have any concerns or simply want to check up on its progress. We are only ever a phone call away.

5 Star Guarantee

  • Guaranteed Price. What you are quoted is what you’ll pay - no hidden charges.
  • Guaranteed Support. A dedicated account manager to support you and your project throughout the process.
  • Guaranteed Quality. Only when we are 100% happy with your project will we release it.
  • Guaranteed Delivery. Confirmation of your print order delivery time, by 4pm the day before delivery.
  • Guaranteed Advice. Our expertise and experience assures you of the best approach to help your printed communication to achieve its objectives.
Russell Dean

Russell Dean

Customer Services

Direct Line: 01234 333713

I have a long print history and come from a POS and sheetfed background. I am a keen cyclist and motorcyclist and have a real passion for boats. I am about to become a father for the first time so am both nervous and very excited at the moment

David Blades

David Blades

Deputy MD

Direct Line: 01234 333701

It is my job to ensure that all of our customers receive the best possible service. Whether that means double checking all of our prices, chasing through jobs, or safeguarding against any potential pitfalls. It's a diverse and sometimes challenging role but one I very much enjoy. Every day brings something new.

Dean Fitzsimons

Dean Fitzsimons

Customer Services

Direct Line: 01234 333708

I am the friendly voice you hear when you call to get that rush job that needs producing in miracle time at no extra cost. I try to stay calm and level headed about most things, but it’s not always possible. It is my job to liaise with our production and Client Service Team to ensure your job goes out as smoothly as possible whilst making our clients experience of Newnorth as pleasant as possible.. I am a mad Arsenal fan and a novice golfer but rarely get the time to enjoy either to the full.

Stephen Parker

Stephen Parker

Customer Services

Direct Line: 01234 333710

I have been in print for almost 45 years. Originally I was a “Paper Boy” delivering newspapers, and now I am ensuring that our valued customers print is delivered as spec and on time. In my spare time I am a keen Golfer and play every weekend. I also really enjoy walks with our little 12 year dog we got from Woodgreen Animal Shelter.

Get more for your money with Print+

Find out how you can get more than just print with Newnorth

Smart E-Catalogues

Do you use your printed material to sell a product or service? Then why not upgrade it to make the use of our latest technological service? With Smart E-Catalogues your customers can view a digital version of your printed product. Not only can it be made quick and easy to browse through with bookmarks and tabs but you can deliver a media rich experience with audio and visual enhancements. The biggest bonus of our Smart E-Catalogues however is the instant sales potential. With click to purchase and easy credit card/paypal integration you can deliver a more efficient, more complete alternative to a wider audience than ever before.

Upgrade your print with Smart E-Catalogues


Don't be shy

If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime

Quick Contact

Telephone – 01234 341111
Email – [email protected]


Newnorth Print Ltd
Newnorth House
College Street
MK42 8NA

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