01234 341111

Direct Mail

What is Direct Mail?

Newnorth’s comprehensive direct mailing services mean that we can handle all your direct mail requirements. We can provide Audit services, sort and clean your mailing lists, personalise all your communications, arrange hand & mechanical insertions and polywrapping. Our knowledgeable team can provide cost saving options for you using various mailsort options and full in-house distribution.

Hand & Mechanical Insertions

Printing digitally can open up a whole world.


Bagged and tagged. Ensure your mailings get there in one piece and looking like you intended.

Mailing & Postage

Our experienced Mailing and Postage team can ensure your mail meets tight deadlines at the right price.

Cost Effective

We take all of the variables into consideration to get you the best mailing price possible..

Why use our Direct Mail service?

Newnorth’s comprehensive direct mailing services mean that we can handle all of your direct mail requirements. We can provide everything from….

  • Audit services – We can look at the data you have, and advise of the best method of using it, data needs to be relevant and you need to be assured that its going to the people who need it, as as efficiently as possible.
  • Sort and clean your mailing lists – We know what it can be like. You spend ages painstaking collecting as much data as possible only to find that you can’t see the wood for all the trees. All of this leads to ineffective lists that due wastage and returns cost you time and money. Thankfully our experienced data optimisation team can sort through your data to make it more manageable. We will correct or remove all corrupt or inaccurate data for you so that you can rest assured your list is working to its full potential.
  • Personalise all your communications – Why would you want to be just like everybody else? Variety is the spice of life afterall so why not let us personalise your mailings to your brand, making you stand out from the crowd.
  • Packing and fulfillment – At Newnorth we offer a wide range of packing and fulfillment solutions, meaning that you can spend your time and resources elsewhere. Our experienced team can take on any job, large or small, with any number of component pieces.
  • Mail Merge – Our mail merge service means that we can fulfill your order regardless of the size.

Our knowledgeable team can provide cost saving options for you using various mailsort options and full in-house distribution.

Liz Wanden

Liz Wanden

Mailing Department Supervisor

I am in my first year at Newnorth but already really enjoying the challenges of my new role. I'm responsible for ensuring that there is always a smooth and seamless transition for print to mailing. Invariably on a tight turn around. I have a pretty wide selection of hobbies, you are just as likely to see me out in the garden growing some veggies as off out partying somewhere. I am also soon to be the proud keeper of some new chickens.

Get more for your money with Print+

Find out how you can get more than just print with Newnorth



Big or small, simple or complex, we scale to meet your need, no matter what your requirements.


Why have your mailings look like everyone else’s? We can incorporate you brand and logo into our mailings

Direct Courier Service

Is your job time or security sensitive? With our direct courier service we can guarantee a safe successful delivery – On time, every time.

Cost Effective

Our mailing professionals can sort through the specifics of your and ensure you are always getting the best possible price.

Frequently asked questions

What do you mean De-dupe?

We have all been there; you get the same product twice through the post, right? A duplication in the mailing data means you get the same product. Not only is this annoying, its costing someone…. worse still if it’s costing you. Newnorth can assess your data and with a bit of painstaking detective work, we can remove duplications from we effectively “de-dupe it”.

Whats enclosing then?

Enclosing is the process of wrapping a protective poly wrapper around the outside of the product you are mailing and the carrier sheet, normally this is clear, but if you want a bit of extra bang for your buck, we can print on this and you can sell the advertising. Good eh?

But why does it cost so much money?

Sending anything in the post costs money, and this is often a huge consideration when you look at how you want to send your items. The good news is our team of experts can often find you more effective solutions and we are expert in the black art of the royal mails product portfolio. If you are not sure ask, we know it can be hard to understand some of the criteria, but we’ll know the answer.

Don't be shy

If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime

Quick Contact

Telephone – 01234 341111
Email – [email protected]


Newnorth Print Ltd
Newnorth House
College Street
MK42 8NA

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